Many people with gender dysphoria chose to cope by binding their chest. Many people that bind find that “its binding or suicide.” (Takenaga) the binder that used to cause euphoria now causes extreme dysphoria when taken off and simply tolerable dysphoria when on. These people typically want to pass as the gender they identify with and be stealth and find that binding their chest is one way to help them pass. Even for myself, I feel that if Im not binding, I will not pass, but when I bind I feel more comfortable and pass more regularly. Even the tiniest thing can make me dysphoric, but especially when I get called “she” or “her” in public.
Transgender and non-binary culture is not talked about much. However it’s talked about more than it used to be. Many people think that they have never met a transgender person but many people choose to stay stealth. People that are stealth are people who are transgender but are perceived as cisgender and do not disclose their trans status. These people do not identify with the trans community. But some others identify with the trans community and do no wish to pass or confine themselves to the gender binary.
Works Cited
Takenaga, Lara. “'It's Binding or Suicide': Transgender and Non-Binary Readers Share
Their Experiences With Chest Binders.” The New York Times, The New York
Times, 17 June 2019,